by Rina G | Oct 31, 2023 | Uncategorized
Do you dread opening up your email, knowing that you're going to have to deal with abusive emails from your ex? Are you so paralyzed with fear that you don't even want to face looking at your emails any more? Well, help is at hand, with my handy routine for dealing...
by Rina G | Oct 26, 2023 | Uncategorized
If you’re in a custody battle with an abusive, toxic ex, here’s one shell game you need to avoid. I’m talking about when the abusive parent accuses their victim of “parental alienation”. This can happen in all relationships, whether the...
by Rina G | Oct 6, 2023 | Uncategorized
If you're facing the prospect of a separation or divorce from an abusive partner and there are children are property involved, you're about to dive into the meat grinder of family court. Stay on top of it with these family court tips. 1. Everyone loses in family court...
by Rina G | Sep 23, 2023 | Uncategorized
Ever found your ex accusing you of things you haven't done? Here's why that happens. Abusers with narcissistic tendencies will do anything to avoid acknowledging their own inner shame. They use unconscious psychological strategies to protect their ego from anxiety,...
by Rina G | Sep 19, 2023 | Uncategorized
Are you in a relationship with someone who's controlling and abusive? If you're thinking of leaving them, here are 8 things you need to know. 1. Controlling abusers will still try to control you after the relationship endsEven if they initiate the breakup,...